Massage Services

 Experience the rejuvenating power of massage therapy, relieving your body of stress, tension, and knots that have built up over time. Indulge in a blissful escape as the skilled hands of a professional massage therapist work their magic, promoting deep relaxation and improving blood circulation, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Treat yourself to a massage today and unlock the countless benefits that await, from reducing muscle soreness to enhancing your overall well-being.

  • Therapeutic massage

    Therapeutic massage employs a variety of techniques including Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point therapy and myofacial release. This allows the therapist to respond to the individual needs of each client and apply the most effective techniques to each specific area.

    1 Hour $85.00

    Photo of woman getting a shoulder massage
  • Crainio-Sacral Massage

    Crainio-Sacral is a very gentle, non invasive method designed to correct imbalances and encourage our natural healing mechanisms to release the negative effects of stress on the nervous system.

    around 1 hour $75.00

    photo of woman getting a cranial sacral massage
  • Microcurrent Cosmetics

    By mimicking the body's natural electrical currents, microcurrent devices can increase circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and enhance the production of collagen and elastin, leading to improved skin texture and firmness.

    Contact me for more information and pricing.

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